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Changelog – Dropshipping XML WooCommerce

*** Dropshipping XML WooCommerce Changelog ***

## [2.10.0] – 2024-09-30
### Added
– Support for WooCommerce EAN field

## [2.9.16] – 2024-09-07
### Added
– Support for WooCommerce 9.3

## [2.9.15] – 2024-08-19
### Added
– New logger

## [2.9.14] – 2024-08-08
### Fixed
– Dropshipping column view on products page

## [2.9.13] – 2024-07-21
### Added
– Support for WordPress 6.6

## [2.9.12] – 2024-07-07
### Added
– Support for WooCommerce 9.1

## [2.9.11] – 2024-06-20
### Added
– Sale price filter

## [2.9.10] – 2024-06-07
### Added
– Support for WooCommerce 9.0

## [2.9.9] – 2024-05-21
### Added
– Support for WooCommerce 8.9

## [2.9.8] – 2024-04-17
### Fixed
– Cleaning products updated by two different imports
– Error notice
### Added
– Parent category filter
– Filter for conditional logic, lower and higher values

## [2.9.7] – 2024-03-28
### Added
– xpath support for values in the Price mapper
### Fixed
– Product Cleaner

## [2.9.6] – 2024-03-21
### Fixed
– Issues with XML reader

## [2.9.5] – 2024-03-20
### Fixed
– Issues with XML parsed content

## [2.9.4] – 2024-02-27
### Fixed
– translations

## [2.9.3] – 2024-02-27
### Fixed
– Cleaning process
– translations

## [2.9.2] – 2023-12-18
### Added
– Support for WooCommerce 8.4

## [2.9.1] – 2023-11-16
### Added
– WPDesk dashboard widget

## [2.9.0] – 2023-11-14
### Fixed
– plugin links
### Added
– PHP 7.2 as minimal required version
– new wpdesk_dropshipping_mapper_images_attachment_info filter

## [2.8.7] – 2023-10-09
### Added
– libraries update

## [2.8.6] – 2023-09-11
### Added
– new size filters
– cron task to remove temporary files

## [2.8.5] – 2023-08-17
### Fixed
– variation error

## [2.8.4] – 2023-07-25
### Added
– Embedded variation filter

## [2.8.3] – 2023-07-19
### Added
– XML filters

## [2.8.2] – 2023-07-11
### Fixed
– Price modificator
– Cleaner service
– Draft products

## [2.8.1] – 2023-07-04
### Fixed
– Old format price converter

## [2.8.0] – 2023-06-27
### Added
– Conditional logic for pricing
– Support for WooCommerce 7.9.
– New method of handling plugin updates and license.

### Fixed
– Product cleaner service

## [2.7.0] – 2023-05-25
### Added
– Categories tree creator
### Fixed
– Categories mapper

## [2.6.6] – 2023-04-25
### Added
– filter wpdesk_dropshipping_mapper_weight
– WPDesk tracker

## [2.6.5] – 2023-03-20
### Added
– Support for WooCommerce 7.5

## [2.6.4] – 2023-02-15
### Fixed
– parent options for embedded variations

## [2.6.3] – 2023-02-07
### Fixed
– product attributes creation error
– price calculation for variations

## [2.6.2] – 2022-10-26
### Fixed
– product images gallery
– product variations stock mapper
– tax mapper

## [2.6.1] – 2022-10-03
### Fixed
– product mapper view
– price for embedded variations
– translations

## [2.6.0] – 2022-08-18
### Added
– option to add import name
– clone import feature
– how to use page

## [2.5.10] – 2022-06-29
### Fixed
– removed parent regular price and sale price option from embedded variations

## [2.5.9] – 2022-06-06
### Added
– option to append images to the gallery
– add raw price parameter to price filter
### Fixed
– path to assets on windows servers
– csv file encoder

## [2.5.8] – 2022-05-12
### Added
– wpdesk_dropshipping_csv_encode_string filter
### Fixed
– variations mapper bug

## [2.5.7] – 2022-04-07
### Fixed
– prevent images downloads if product category is not mapped

## [2.5.6] – 2022-03-01
### Fixed
– allow simple product to update product variation data
– remove invalid xml characters when convert from csv
– styling

## [2.5.5] – 2022-01-24
### Added
– price filters

## [2.5.4] – 2022-01-12
### Fixed
– remove stopped status from processing import

## [2.5.3] – 2022-01-11
### Added
– supported mime types filter
### Fixed
– embedded variations selector

## [2.5.2] – 2021-12-29
### Fixed
– saving parent SKU field for embedded variations

## [2.5.1] – 2021-12-15
### Fixed
– attributes generation for variations

## [2.5.0] – 2021-12-06
### Added
– support for embedded variations

## [2.4.0] – 2021-10-25
### Added
– External product type
– Option to remove the featured image from gallery

## [2.3.2] – 2021-10-12
### Added
– Settings filter
### Fixed
– Logical conditions for lower and higher values
– Cron schedule

## [2.3.1] – 2021-09-27
### Added
– Dropshipping XML moving to external core library
### Fixed
– Variations synchronisation

## [2.3.0] – 2021-08-02
### Added
– Import products as draft option
– Filter to modify curl options
– Filter to force encoding CSV files
### Fixed
– Issue with encoding CSV files

## [2.2.1] – 2021-06-30
### Added
– filter to bypass issues with SSL connection

## [2.2.0] – 2021-06-08
### Added
– conditional logic

## [2.1.0] – 2021-05-18
### Added
– mapping tax classes
– fields synchronization option
– manual control over synchronization by import manager
– auto create categories
### Fixed
– Issue with removing mapped categories

## [2.0.1] – 2021-04-12
### Fixed
– Categories mapping issue
– XML default namespace selector

## [2.0] – 2021-03-01
### Added
– Support for Variable products
### Fixed
– Issue with URL with spaces
– Issue with products duplications

## [1.2.1] – 2021-02-11
### Fixed
– Searching child nodes

## [1.2.0] – 2021-02-10
### Added
– Support for WooCommerce 5.0
– Support for product attributes based on taxonomies
– Support for large XML files
– Option to disable attributes synchronisation
### Fixed
– Associating a photo with an author during a cron job
– Products duplication issue

## [1.1.8] – 2021-01-26
### Added
– Support for mime type text/html
– Option to disable shipping class synchronisation
– Filter for stock

## [1.1.7] – 2021-01-21
### Added
– Filter for images

## [1.1.6] – 2021-01-19
### Fixed
– Fixed issue with SKU mapping
– Fixed issue with image duplication

## [1.1.5] – 2021-01-04
### Added
– Support for multiple categories in product mapper
### Fixed
– Issues with default XML namespace

## [1.1.4] – 2020-12-22
### Fixed
– Product shippment class mapper

## [1.1.3] – 2020-12-14
### Added
– Filter for product short description
– Filter for product title
### Fixed
– Issues with final price calculation

## [1.1.2] – 2020-12-08
### Added
– Filter for product description
### Fixed
– Issues with namespaces on XML file
– Added max time limit to less then 60s for process (to prevent cron task overlap)

## [1.1.1] – 2020-11-26
### Added
– Support for XML files with namespaces
– Support for XML without XML header
– CSV columns name generator

## [1.1] – 2020-11-05
### Added
– Option to disable category synchronization
– Option to import only products from mapped categories
– Option to remove or set “out of stock” for product that was removed from feed
– Performance optymalization
### Fixed
– Preserve node letter case on drag & drop functionality

## [1.0.1] – 2020-10-14
### Fixed
– XML preview with nodes that includes ampersand

## [1.0] – 2020-10-13
### Added
– Released first version

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